Impacts Of E Waste and How It Can Be Controlled

Electronic waste, also known as E-waste is any number of now-unnecessary devices that are discarded. It is a problem because it gives off hazardous substances. When they are burned by incinerators and through soil and surface water contamination. E-waste pollutes the environment and can cause serious health consequences.

What is E-Waste?

e waste

E-waste is electronic waste that refers to any castoff electronic device or component. E-waste can include computers, TVs, cell phones, printers, fax machines, refrigerators, and more.

The increased use of electronics in recent years has resulted in a corresponding increase in e-waste. In fact, e-waste is now the fastest-growing type of waste in the world.

The growing mountain of e-waste is cause for concern because many electronic devices contain harmful chemicals that can leach into the environment and pose a risk to human health. For example, lead and mercury are common elements in electronic devices and can be toxic if released into the environment.

In addition to the environmental concerns, there is also the issue of data security. Many people don’t realize that simply throwing away an old computer or hard drive could put their personal information at risk. Data thieves can easily access sensitive information if proper security measures are not taken when disposing of e-waste.

So, what can be done about the problem of e-waste? One solution is to recycle or reuse old electronics instead of simply throwing them away. Many companies have ways to recycle old electronics, and some will even let you trade them in for something new.

The Dangers of E-Waste

Dangers of e-waste

Environmental Impact

As the world becomes more and more technology-focused, the issue of e-waste is becoming a larger problem. The problem with e-waste is that it often contains harmful materials, such as lead and mercury, that can be damaging to both the environment and human health. When these devices are simply thrown away, their toxic materials can leach into the ground and contaminate soil and water supplies. In addition, when e-waste is burned, as it often is in developing countries, these harmful chemicals are released into the air where they can cause respiratory problems for both people and animals.

The good news is that there are ways to control e-waste and its impact on the environment. One way is to recycle old electronics instead of simply throwing them away. Many companies have programs to recycle parts from old devices, and there are also a lot of places around the world that recycle e-waste via Wise Market.

What Does The WHO Say About E-Waste?

The World Health Organization (WHO) has said that e-waste is a growing problem and is posing a risk to human health. They have urged countries to take action to control the problem.

The WHO estimates that each year, around 20 to 50 million tonnes of e-waste are generated globally. This is equivalent to about 4 to 8% of all municipal solid waste.

Most of this e-waste is not properly recycled or disposed of, and this can have serious consequences for human health. For example, exposure to lead can damage the nervous system and cause learning difficulties in children. Mercury can damage the brain and kidneys.

The WHO has urged countries to put in place policies and regulations to control e-waste and protect people’s health. They say that proper management of e-waste can reduce these risks and help save lives.

Traditional Recycling Steps: Which Ones Are Not Effective? Why?

There are several traditional recycling steps for e-waste, but not all of them are effective. Some common ineffective methods include:

  • Pouring e-waste liquids down the drain: This can contaminate water sources and harm wildlife.
  • Burning e-waste: This releases harmful toxins into the air and can cause respiratory problems.
  • Throwing e-waste in the trash: This sends harmful toxins and pollutants into the environment.

Our recommendations for moving forward

re-construct the planet earth

E-waste is a complex issue with no easy answers. But we believe there are some key steps that can be taken to help address the problem:

  • Encourage manufacturers to design products with sustainability in mind, including making them easier to repair and recycle.
  • Promote the use of certified e-waste recyclers who follow best practices for waste management.
  • Educate consumers about the benefits of recycling their old electronics and where they can safely recycle them.
  • Support stricter rules to make sure that e-waste is handled properly throughout its whole life cycle.
  • Support research and innovation to develop new technologies for safe e-waste management.

Our Mission

Wise Market New Zealand is on a mission to add its part in reducing the e-waste factors to its best. Promoting to use the of refurbished devices is one of our slogans which can pave a powerful impact for mind change towards a secure environment. Our refurbished devices are thoroughly quality-checked, so you don’t have to put your effort into verifying them.
